Frequently Asked Questions
Why are new members important?
New members bring new perspectives, ideas, personalities and experience to the club. This makes meetings even more interesting and enhances the learning for all.
How often can I visit as a guest?
You are welcome to visit up to three times as a guest before being required to join. There’s no obligation if you visit. We are glad to have as many people in the audience as possible. There is no “hard sell” at Toastmasters.

What does it cost to join?
There is a one-off joining fee plus $21 per month or $126 per 6 months.
What happens if I visit?
Aim to arrive before 6.55pm if possible. Someone will walk you through how the meetings work and how Toastmasters works and answer any questions you may have. There is no requirement to speak but if you are feeling relaxed then there will be an opportunity to introduce yourself to the group for a minute or so after the break.
Who typically joins Toastmasters?
Members comes from all demographics. So long as you are 18 years or over you can join Toastmasters. We get members from professionals, students, entrepreneurs, those wanting to pursue personal or professional development including growing their self-confidence. We also get people who have a one-off speaking assignment such as a contest, wedding or MC role. Everyone is welcome at Toastmasters.