Scheduled Meetings and How They Work
We meet every Tuesday evening at 7pm, except the Third Tuesday of each month.
Each 1.5 – 2hr meeting consists of:
Prepared Speeches, Impromptu Speaking, and Evaluations (feedback).
Everyone receives at least one speaking opportunity during a meeting.

Club Meeting Roles
Club meetings provide an opportunity for members to learn by practicing communication and leadership skills. Each meeting has a variety of speaking roles plus various supporting roles. This ensures members get used to speaking and leading in many different ways. It also ensures meetings run smoothly and to time. Each role is outlined below. Please note, may vary from club to club.
Toastmaster of the day
The Toastmaster plans, co-ordinates and hosts the meeting. They introduce participants and ensure smooth transitions from one speaker to the next. This task is generally reserved for members who are familiar with the club and its procedures.
Timer or Timekeeper
A hallmark of effective speakers is their ability to express themselves within a specific amount of time. Members rely on the timer to pace speeches and stay succinct. The red light means it’s time to wrap up your speech.

Introductions are performed by Evaluators and the Toastmaster. A good introduction paves the way for a positive experience for both the speaker and audience. Introductions include information about the speaker and the project or role they are performing.
A major part of Toastmasters meetings are prepared speeches. Members prepare speeches based on objectives set out in Pathways projects. Pathways is the Toastmasters Educational Program. Speakers may speak on any subject so long as the speeches’ objectives are met. Good speeches make great meetings
Speech Evaluator
Feedback is the cornerstone of the Toastmasters programme. Members are encouraged to give an honest and respectful appraisal of how members performed. Each evaluation will follow the accepted CRC method – commendations, recommendations for improvement, commendations. Feedback should always end on a positive.
The responsibilities of the grammarian are to encourage the expansion of members vocabulary and use of English. They will introduce a word-of-the-day, comment on the language used during the meeting, provide examples of good grammar and excellent – or not-so-excellent word usage.
Table Topics Master
The Table Topics master is responsible for preparing questions on any topic, often connected to the theme of the meeting. Table Topics® sessions are designed to encourage members to think on their feet.
Table Topics Speaker
Members can answer the topic in any manner they wish from being serious and delivering information, an opinion or creating a fictitious or entertaining story. Table Topics allows members without a role to still have a speaking opportunity. Guests may use this opportunity to introduce themselves.

General Evaluator
The General Evaluator evaluates all roles except the prepared speakers, including the meeting in general. This task is generally reserved for experienced members familiar with the club and its procedures.